Manufacturing data is not merged today. Knowledge remains at experienced staff. The assistance systems in process planning are rigid
Manufacturing data is not merged today. Knowledge remains at experienced staff. The assistance systems in process planning are rigid, and they cannot adapt to other circumstances. The objective here is to combine different data types to use simulation-based process adaption, and to realise a knowledge transfer to safe resources. |
Future sees AI becoming widely usable
AI is a byword that is circulating everywhere but has not yet really arrived in practice. The reason for this is that the elaborately calculated AI models for specific processes are rigid. If a process changes, for example because other materials are used or a tool wears out, the model cannot adapt. Researchers from Hanover now want to change this and thus bring AI into widespread use. International Metalworking News for Asia attended an online seminar on how small and medium-sized enterprises will be able to benefit from AI in the future. More... |
Reimagining the intelligence of collaborative robots
Nowadays, manufacturing business companies are turning to autonomous mobile robot (AMR) for help. AMRs have changed the automation landscape, especially in collaborative environments. They are thriving in numerous industries because they are becoming more reliable, user friendly and affordable. Mr. Han Boon Siew, Chief Information Officer Schaeffler Asia/Pacific, speaks more about DEX and AMR, and it research for improved industrial workplaces.
Accelerating growth and innovation in additive manufacturing
Nikon Corporation (Nikon) announced an investment in Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies Global, Inc. Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies Global, Inc. (HMT), an award-winning industry leader in additive manufacturing (AM), successfully created an approach that enables users to integrate additive tools onto any platform. This groundbreaking technology allows users to take full advantage of the manufacturing process by unifying multiple complementary technologies in one set up. More...
Additive chain reactions in component manufacturing
An international network is researching new processes for additively manufactured parts in the EU’s ‘Ad-Proc-Add’ (Advanced Processing of Additively Manufactured Parts) project. One of the key issues within the production chain of additively manufactured metal materials is the interaction with post-processing machining. The project was launched in 2019 and its visionary goal was to influence workpiece properties by adapting ASM process chains. More...
Where the IoT meets sustainability
The Groupe Speciale Mobile Association (GSMA) has urged industry leaders to scale-up their use of smart technology in the race towards net zero, and predicts that doing so could contribute up to 40% of the required global emission reductions. Using smart technologies to reduce energy consumption isn’t new for the manufacturing sector, but the challenges of implementing these technologies on-site have long been a barrier to adoption. More...
HAI ROBOTICS unveils the HAIPICK A42T for the first time in Singapore
HAI ROBOTICS, the pioneer in Autonomous Case-handling Robot(ACR)systems for warehouse logistics, has unveiled the HAIPICK A42T Telescopic ACRfor the first time in Singapore at Industrial Transformation ASIA-PACIFIC (ITAP). The latest ACR brings warehouse logistics solutions to new heights with the ability to pick and store plastic totes and cartons up to 10m (32.8 feet) high, a first in ACR systems. More...